From Benjamin

Praise and Worship/Harp and Bowl

So what is the Wyoming House of Prayer all about?

Glorifying God through continual prayer & worship.

What does that mean?

Wyoming House of Prayer is all about God. We seek after Him, because we want to know Him better. We want people to know Him better, for everyone to be drawn to Him, and to be drawn to do His will. Our vision is that the city of Cheyenne and the state of Wyoming will be places of healing and restoration. Where people are known for being close to God, for helping others, and where empathy, peace, and love abound. Even people who pass through will have a desire to seek after God.

How does that work?

Wyoming House of Prayer will provide opportunities for people to come and pray or be prayed for. Worship teams from various churches or with members of various churches will work together to provide the musical backdrop for prayer. Prayer, singing praises, reading the Word, and instrumental music will flow smoothly. Communication with and support from other ministries, along with generous donations will continue the move to 24/7 365/year prayer.

All glory to God--May we keep the altar fire burning.